A permanent faculty is responsible for the teaching at the school, with the contribution of a team of assistants trained in Helikos Pedagogy.
In addition, some guest teachers join the staff either during specific periods of the program or in intensive workshops, contributing to the artistic pedagogic research of the school.
Helikos’ pedagogic work is, and will be, a constantly evolving process. It's an alchemy in which we distill the best of our findings. The latest version is always the most updated. ​
​A fundamental reference is the Theatre Pedagogy of Jacques Lecoq. However there are many additional sources that have nourished and inspired it including: Gestalt-therapy, Body Oriented Psychotherapy, (Wilhelm Reich & Alexander Lowen), Martial Arts, Taoism (Wutao), the practice of the state of play (le jeu) as an Altered State of Consciousness induced by movement and breathing, and Process Work (Process Oriented Psychology), as well as Theatre of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal, Community Theatre and Theatre in Education. The integration of different practices has lead to the creation and development of a pedagogy with multiple branches.